Administrative Policies

AD62 Use of General Purpose Classrooms

Policy Status
Subject Matter Expert
Robert Kubat, 814-863-3681,
Policy Steward
Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff


  • Purpose
  • Environment
  • Technology Use and Training
  • Costs
  • Further Information
  • Cross References


    The following is the policy and procedures for using General Purpose Classrooms (GPC's). The Pennsylvania State University has invested heavily in improving the furnishings, equipment, and environments in General Purpose Classrooms (GPC's) The GPC's are a University resource with a priority mission to provide high quality environments and tools to enhance the educational experiences for students and instructors. Classrooms are also available for student activities, public outreach and research programs as outlined in policy AD82. The Registrar at each campus has the authority to determine and approve what activities are appropriate for the GPCs. Appeal of an Office of the Registrar decision must be directed to the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education.


    • Food and Drink: With the exception of bottled water, all food and drink consumption is prohibited in GPC's. Justifying documentation to override this policy for medical reasons should be submitted to the instructor or the person in charge of the session.
    • Cleanliness: Instructors should ask students to pick up newspapers, trash and debris and dispose of them in the provided recycling containers or trash cans at the end of each class period. Students and other occupants should be reminded of the no food and drink policy, as necessary.  RSO’s (Registered Student Organizations) that reserve and use GPC’s, will be charged for any cleaning or maintenance required from their misuse of facilities.
    • Seating Configuration: When seating is rearranged to accommodate instruction for any class, the instructor should ask students to return the seats to the original configuration before leaving.  In ALC’s (Active Learning Classrooms), this requirement shall not apply, as the intent of these spaces is to encourage flexibility.
    • Signs: Signs or notices may be placed on bulletin boards only and will be removed at the end of each semester.
    • Availability and Access: If a GPC is not scheduled Monday through Friday, it is open and available for individual study by students, instructors or staff members. Most buildings with GPC’s shall be open from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday for this purpose.  The buildings that open, unscheduled and available can be found daily in the map section of the Penn State Go application. On weekends, select buildings with GPC's are open and locked based on the actual courses and activities scheduled through the Office of the Registrar and they will not may also be available for individual study.  The buildings that will remain open on weekends for activities can be found in the map section of the Penn State Go application.


    Technology equipment is expensive and centrally managed for the benefit of instructors and students.

    • Orientation: Instructors are encouraged to request an orientation for all GPC's with technology equipment. In an orientation, the instructors will be familiarized with the technology in the room so that they may use it to its fullest potential. Whenever possible, orientations will be done in the rooms to which the instructors are scheduled, allowing for hands-on training with the actual equipment that they will be using to aid and enhance instruction.
    • Equipment Security: Podium lock combinations are changed annually prior to the start of the fall semester. The lock combinations are for individual instructor access and are not to be shared with anyone.
    • Presence of a Technician: If a technician is required for assistance with a credit-bearing instructional course or activity, there is no charge. Events occurring other than scheduled courses that require the assignment of a technician will result in charges being incurred.
    • Damage to Equipment: Any repairs or replacements as a result of negligent or intentional damage to our GPC technology equipment will be charged to the assigned instructor or staff member's department responsible for the class or event.


    There is no cost associated with the use of GPC's for credit-bearing courses. For non-credit-bearing events there are numerous costs that may arise dependent on the activity and GPC scheduled. Following are examples of additional costs that may apply.

    • Media & Technology Support Services: Charges are possible for technicians, equipment, and supplies in accordance with the approved schedule of charges.
    • Access Accounts: Penn State Access Accounts are required to authenticate on any Penn State network. Charges are possible for non-credit bearing student or outreach events for these accounts. Additional information on policies and procedures pertaining to Penn State access accounts can be found at or by contacting Information Security at Penn State.
    • Specialized Software: Charges are possible for non-credit bearing student or outreach events to provide specialized computer software. A lead-time is necessary for testing and installation.
    • Office of Physical Plant: For some events and special activities, there may be costs for equipment set-up, furniture movement, special needs or temporary installations.
    • University Police: Charges are possible for a Police Services Officer, particularly in large auditoriums for non-credit-bearing or student activities.
    • Damages and Cleaning Costs: The college, department or individual scheduling use of the room will be responsible and will receive direct billing for the assessment and repair of any damage or negligent or intentional damage attributed to room use, as well as janitorial and maintenance costs attributed to unauthorized food and drink use in GPCs. Damage or misuse of these spaces by RSO's may be cause to be brought before the SOCC (Student Organization Conduct Committee) for disciplinary review.
    • Additional Costs: Student events may require additional costs.


    For questions, additional detail, or to request changes to this policy, please contact the Office of the University Registrar.


    • AD02 - Non-University Groups Using University Facilities,
    • AD26 - Sales of Food and Beverages at University Locations,
    • AD27 - Commercial Sales Activities at University Locations,
    • AD38 - Administration of University Physical Facilities,
    • AD57 - General Regulations on Use of University Property, and
    • AD82 - Classroom Scheduling

    Most Recent Changes:

    • June 7, 2022 - Updated Environment Sections Cleanliness (no food and drink policy, charges for cleaning required from misuse), Seating Configuration (ALC's), Availability and Access (Penn State Go application). Updatd Section on Damages and Cleaning Costs (SOCC).

    Revision History (and effective dates):

    • October 8, 2018 - Updated link to Penn State Access Account website and updated name from ITS Accounts Services to Identity Services (included link). 
    • March 17, 2016 - Editorial changes. Addition of policy steward information, in the event that there are questions or requests for changes to the policy.
    • May 24, 2013 - Major revisions to the entire policy to reflect updated procedures for using General Purpose Classrooms (GPC's).
    • August 23, 2006 - New policy.



    Date Approved
    Date Published
    Effective Date