Environmental Health & Safety Policies

SY38 Landing of Helicopters at University Park

Policy Status
Subject Matter Expert
Wesley Sheets, 814-863-6054, wrs18@psu.edu
Policy Steward
Chief of University Police and Public Safety



To define the regulations for the landing of helicopters on University property.


The landing of any helicopter is prohibited on University-owned property, except in the instance of a medical or law enforcement emergency and/or training. For non-emergency situations, a helicopter is only permitted to land at an airport and/or a heliport licensed in accordance with the provisions of the 1Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Bureau of Aviation Regulations and 2Laws Relating to Pennsylvania Aviation. Such provisions are based primarily upon safety.

The preferred landing location for helicopters at the University Park campus is the University Park Airport (UNV).

The landing of a helicopter at other locations is approved only in the event of emergencies and where the helicopter(s) are capable of being landed in a safe landing zone.


Helicopter -  A rotorcraft, other than a model or radio controlled rotorcraft that, for its horizontal motion, depends principally on its engine-driven rotor.


1Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Bureau of Aviation, Regulations Relating to Pennsylvania Aviation, Annex A, Title 67. Transportation, Part I. Department of Transportation, Subpart B. Nonvehicle Code Provisions, Article IV. Air Transportation

2Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Bureau of Aviation, Pennsylvania Laws Relating to Aviation, Act 1984-164, Title 74, Transportation, Part III Aviation


Written requests for exceptions to this policy shall be submitted to the Assistant Vice President for Police and Public Safety.


For questions, additional detail, or to request changes to this policy, please contact University Police & Public Safety.

Most Recent Changes:

  • June 8, 2023 - Updated policy steward and subject matter expert.

Revision History (and effective dates):

  • June 19, 2014 - Editorial changes. Addition of policy steward information, in the event that there are questions or requests for changes to the policy.
  • September 16, 2011 - Editorial changes. Changed title of policy FROM Landing of Helicopters at University Park TO Landing of Helicopters on University Property, and clarified such references within the policy accordingly. In the "Exceptions" section, changed the title FROM Director of University Police TO Assistant Vice President for Police and Public Safety for those who may request an exception to this policy.
  • July 19, 2010 - Editorial change; addition of an "Exceptions" section, stating how requests for exceptions to this policy must be handled.
  • June 16, 2010 - New Policy.