Safety Policies

SY13 Open Fires

Policy Status
Subject Matter Expert
Steve Triebold, 863-3915,
Policy Steward
Director of Environmental Health and Safety


  • Purpose
  • Open Flame Fires
  • Charcoal Fires
  • Further Information
  • Cross References


    To define the regulations for the use of open flame fires and charcoal fires on University property.


    Open fires, including camp fires, are not permitted on University property at any time without prior approval of Environmental Health and Safety, or the Director of Business Services at a non-University Park location.

    Open fires required by University personnel to carry out their assigned responsibilities shall need the approval of Environmental Health and Safety. Specific times, locations, materials to be burned and fire protection arrangements must be established and approved by Environmental Health and Safety or local fire departments before the fire is ignited. University Park or local Police Services are to be notified just prior to ignition by person(s) responsible for control of an approved open fire.


    Charcoal type fires are not permitted on University property unless prior approval is obtained from Environmental Health and Safety, or the Director of Business Services at non-University Park locations, except as given below.

    Approval for use of charcoal fires is not required:

    • At University Park, when using the established charcoal pits in the picnic area located on University Drive west of Jeffrey Field.
    • For employee residences when using charcoal stoves in their immediate resident area.
    • At established and previously approved sites at the non-University Park locations and other University properties.


    For questions, additional detail, or to request changes to this policy, please contact the Director of Environmental Health and Safety.


    Other Policies in this manual should also be referenced, especially the following:

    SY30 - Open Flame Devices

    Most Recent Changes:

    • January 11, 2023 - Policy reviewed and content is still accurate as documented. Editorial change to update Policy Steward.

    Revision History (and effective dates):

    • March 16, 2017 - Upon review, the policy content is still accurate as documented.
    • June 11, 2014 - Editorial changes. Minor, but clarifying changes made to the OPEN FLAME FIRES and CHARCOAL FIRES sections. Added policy steward/ further information references, in the event that there are questions or requests for changes to the policy.
    • January 15, 2005 - Removed Eastview Terrace from list of locations NOT requiring approval for use of charcoal fires.
    • January 30, 2001 - Editorial Change: Cross reference to Policy SY30 added.
    • April 15, 1992 - Safety Office title update.
    • February 15, 1984 - "Director of Business Services at Commonwealth Campus" changed to "Director of Business Services at non-University Park location"
    • February 22, 1982 - Added Commonwealth Campus locations to scope of policy.
    • March 22, 1976 - New Policy.
    Date Approved
    Date Published
    Effective Date