Policy SY39 - APPENDIX A

Guidance on What is Considered a “Hazardous Chemical” That Should be Included in the Inventory

Substances that fall within the following hazardous chemical classes need to be included in the CHIMS:

  • Compressed gases (including liquefied gases)
  • Flammable/ combustible liquids (e.g.,  alcohols, solvents, light lubricants, oil based paints)
  • Flammable solids (e.g.,  magnesium powder, sodium metal)
  • Strong oxidizers (e.g.,  bromates, chlorates, permanganates)
  • Organic peroxides (e.g.,  benzoyl peroxide)
  • Poisons (e.g.,  toxins, dyes, pesticides)
  • Corrosives (e.g., strong acids and alkalis)
  • Controlled substances (e.g., Schedule I or Schedule II substances as listed by the Drug Enforcement Administration)
  • Chemicals of Interest (COI) as defined in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Chemical Facility Anti Terrorism Standard (CFATS)

For purposes of this policy, the following are NOT hazardous chemicals and do not need to be included in the CHIMS:

  • Retail products used for routine household activities (e.g., common cleansers, dish soap)
  • Working solutions that will be used within 1-2 days
  • Radioactive materials
  • Biohazardous materials
  • Non-hazardous buffer solutions
  • Non-hazardous microbiological growth media
  • Non-hazardous enzyme preparations


Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Materials
Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods Non-Hazardous Material
  • Explosives
  • Compressed gases (including liquefied gases, and empty cylinders that are still pressurized)
  • Flammable/combustible liquids (i.e., alcohols, solvents, lubricants, paints)
  • Spontaneously combustibles (i.e., activated carbon, lithium alkyds, phosphorus)
  • Dangerous When Wet (i.e., alkaline earth metal alloys, aluminum powder, calcium hydride, barium)
  • Oxidizers (i.e., concentrated mineral acids, bromates, chlorates, permanganates)
  • Organic peroxides (i.e., hydrogen peroxide >8%), benzoyl peroxide)
  • Poisons not included in the above categories, i.e.,
    • Biological toxins
    • Dyes, adhesives, etc.
    • Specimen solutions
  • Corrosives acids or bases which are corrosive to the skin and other materials having a pH of < 5.5 or > 11.0
  • Miscellaneous hazardous materials (e.g.,  dry ice, marine pollutants, listed hazardous substances, asbestos)
  • Foodstuffs
  • Non-hazardous buffer solutions
  • Labware
  • Livestock

If there is doubt regarding the chemical’s hazard classification, include the chemical in the inventory.

  • May 4, 2011 - New listing.