HR38 University Courses for Training Faculty and Staff
THIS VERSION POLICY: December 6, 1991
To provide a means by which deans and administrative officers can develop and train faculty and staff by using courses offered by the University.
NOTE: Staff are identified as executive, administrator, staff exempt, staff non-exempt, and technical-service employees.
Any dean or administrative officer who believes that a faculty or staff member should have a certain course in order to perform his or her job better, may require that the faculty or staff member attend a course that will provide the necessary knowledge or skill, provided, however, the course is directly related to his/her work career and to the improvement of University services. The faculty or staff member must be a full-time regular member of the staff, eligible for the University's group benefits programs.
The dean or administrative officer, Manager of Human Resources Development, the faculty or staff member and the immediate supervisor will pre-review the application for the work-related course with respect to such factors as:
- The direct relationship to the duties and responsibilities of the faculty or staff member,
- The availability and propriety of use of University funds for the course,
- The prior course achievement record of the faculty or staff member, and
- Present and projected University need for the skills training requested.
If the course is approved for training, the faculty or staff member will register for the course in accordance with the published requirements. The college, department, or administrative unit will be responsible for payment of all tuition and fees, as appropriate.
In as much as instruction taken under these conditions is to be regarded as employee training, the faculty or staff member shall not register for these courses under the terms of HR36 , Educational Privileges for Regular Employees and Other Members of University Staff.
A faculty or staff member may be permitted to register for courses during working hours under the terms of the educational privileges policy during the same semester or summer session that he or she is attending a course specified for employee training. However, credit load will be approved at the supervisory level, with consideration given to the workload in the faculty or staff member's area of assignment, nature of the courses requested, etc.
- Human Resources Development Center Courses
- Penn State Credit Courses
- Penn State Non-Credit Courses