Budget Policies

BT02 General Budget Regulations

Policy Status
Under Review
Subject Matter Expert
Budget Director, budget@psu.edu
Policy Steward
Associate Vice President for Budget and Finance


  • Purpose
  • Types Of Budget Funds
  • Application Of Regulations
  • Responsibility For Budget Administration
  • Financial Officer Responsibility
  • Salaries, Wages And Departmental Allotment
  • Unexpended Funds
  • Budget Transfers Between Funds
  • Budget Amendments
  • Further Information


    To present the University regulations governing operating budget practices and administration.


    The annual operating budget consists of groups of similar budgets which are classified into the different types of funds, including the following:

    • General Funds -- State appropriation, tuition and fees, and departmental income.
    • Agricultural Federal Appropriations
    • University Services -- Self-supported by income derived from services operated to serve educational and other departments.
    • Auxiliary Enterprises -- Self-supported completely by income derived from services operated primarily to serve students, faculty, or staff.
    • IntraUniversity (Physical Plant only)
    • Restricted Funds/Miscellaneous Funds -- Income derived from government and private contracts, gifts, grants, etc.


    The following budget regulations are intended to apply particularly to the group of budgets classified as General Funds, Agricultural Federal Appropriations, University Services, Auxiliary Enterprises and IntraUniversity, but shall be applied to the other groups of budgets to the extent that they do not conflict with contractual arrangements or other requirements under which those budgets are established.


    The responsibility for administering budgets of each type within the approved total for a college or other division, may be delegated by the President or senior University officers to other budget executives or budget administrators who are in close association with the actual day-to-day operations (see Policy FN18 University Approval Authorization).


    The Associate Vice President for Budget and Finance, or their authorized representative, and the designated Financial Officer, shall be responsible for the following financial controls:

    • BUDGET CONTROL - The Associate Vice President for Budget and Finance/Financial Officer is responsible for the control and maintenance of the budgets in accordance with allocation provisions, budget policy and regulations.
    • EXPENDITURE CONTROL - The Associate Vice President for Budget and Finance/Financial Officer is responsible for the control of budget expenditures within the allocated amount and authorized regulations governing each funding area.


    Budget allocations are designated specifically for three major expense classifications: salaries, wages, and departmental allotment (see the SIMBA Chart of Accounts).


    Unexpended funds in the regular operating budgets and Allocation Funds at the end of each fiscal year will be available to be carried forward for the ensuing year as communicated by the Office of Budget and Finance.


    It is not permissible to transfer budget funds from University Services, Auxiliary Enterprises, IntraUniversity, or Restricted Funds (miscellaneous funds)budgets to a General Funds operating budget, or vice versa. In addition, it is not permissible to transfer budget funds into or out of the College of Medicine or the Dickinson School of Law.


    Amendments to an approved budget are considered on either a permanent or a temporary basis. Requests for permanent amendments should apply to conditions of a recurring nature and, upon approval, are included as part of the total existing budget authorized at the beginning of each year. Requests for temporary amendments should apply to conditions of a non-recurring nature and, upon approval, are included in the budget for the remainder of the fiscal year only. The budget will then revert automatically to its former permanent status.


    For questions, additional detail, or to request changes to this policy, please contact the Office of Budget and Finance.

    Most Recent Changes:

    • May 2021 - Editorial changes:
      • SIMBA Chart of Accounts document replaces the IBIS Object Code document.

    Revision History (and effective dates):

    • February 1, 2023 - Editorial changes:
      • Added Budget Director as the Subject Matter Expert (SME)
      • Changed the Policy Steward from University Budget Officer to Associate Vice President for Budget and Finance, per the directive of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Business
      • Changed all references to the University Budget Office and the Corporate Controller to the Associate Vice President for Budget and Finance, per the directive of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Business
      • Changed the Further Information contact from the University Budget Officer to the Office of Budget and Finance.
    • August 6, 2014 - Changes throughout the policy to reflect current operations.
    • October 25, 2013 - Editorial changes. Addition of policy steward information, in the event that there are questions or requests for changes to the policy.
    • February 18, 2005 - Editorial change to eliminate "General Forms Usage Guide."
    • March 16, 2001
      • Added "IntraUniversity (Physical Plant only)" as a type of budget fund.
      • Miscellaneous editorial changes under the section 'Types Of Budget Funds.
    • August 23, 2000 -
      • Deletion of sections "Transfer Of Funds Between Functional Areas Of A College Or Other Administrative Divisions" and "Uncommitted Budget Provisions";
      • Eliminated "University Funds" as a type of budget fund;
      • Changed "Federal Appropriations" to "Agricultural Federal Appropriations";
      • Changed position title of "Budget Officer of the University" to "University Budget Officer".
    • March 26, 1998 - Recognizes the Commonwealth College semantics.
    • August 25, 1995 - Reference to policy AD17 changed to FN18.
    • September 22, 1989 - Under UNEXPENDED FUNDS section, permitted unexpended funds in the regular operating budgets and Allocation Funds to be carried forward. Changed title of "University Budget Officer" to "Budget Officer of the University."
    • August 15, 1986 - Changed "University Budget Director" to "University Budget Officer." Changed "Controller" to "Corporate Controller."
    • November 9, 1983 - Changed "Director of Planning and Budget" to "University Budget Director." Changed "Vice President and Controller" to "Controller."
    • June 1, 1982 - Allowed senior University officers to delegate responsibility for administering budgets. Changed "Budget Officer" to "Director of Planning and Budget." Changed "Controller" to "Vice President and Controller."
    • November 11, 1979 - Changed the term "unexpected funds" to "unexpended funds."
    • July 1, 1978 - New Policy.