AD32 Smoking and Tobacco Policy
The Pennsylvania State University is committed to a healthful environment for all members of the community at all locations.
Smoking and the use of tobacco are prohibited in and on all University owned or leased properties, facilities, and vehicles. The policy includes all University locations. The following purposes are exempted:
- Research
- Cultural and religious uses
Smoking includes the burning of any type of lit pipe, cigar, cigarette, or any other smoking equipment, whether filled with tobacco or any other type of material.
Tobacco is defined as all tobacco-derived or containing products, including and not limited to cigarettes (e.g., clove, bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos), hookah smoked products, pipes and oral tobacco (e.g., spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff) and nasal tobacco. It also includes any product intended to mimic tobacco products, contain tobacco flavoring or deliver nicotine. Products approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, when used for cessation, are not considered tobacco under this policy.
The University is strongly committed to supporting individuals to become tobacco- and smoke-free. Tobacco cessation resources will be available to faculty, staff, and students.
- The advertisement, distribution and sampling of tobacco products and tobacco merchandise are prohibited on all Penn State campuses and properties and at all University-sponsored events.
- Smoking and tobacco use are permitted in personal vehicles on Penn State properties.
- Each Penn State campus will establish a plan for implementing and enforcing this policy using the guidelines below.
Implementation begins in the fall of 2018. Communications regarding this policy change will be implemented through the Office of Strategic Communications.
Communications will continue through the spring of 2019, with the addition of appropriate signage on Penn State properties.
Budget executives shall be responsible for:
- Assuring that this policy is communicated to everyone within their jurisdiction, including new members of the University community.
- Implementing the established policies.
The University will provide resources to students and employees who want to stop using tobacco products. A list of available resources is available at
The success of this policy depends upon obtaining and maintaining the willingness, understanding and cooperation of all tobacco users and non-tobacco users at all University locations. It is the responsibility of all members of the Penn State community to establish and maintain smoke-free/tobacco free campus environments. Each University member is responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy at his/her level of involvement in the University community.
Visitors are expected to comply with this smoking policy.
Most recent changes:
- August 6, 2018 - Per the approval of the President's Council, the policy was revised to prohibit smoking and tobacco use at all University locations.
Revision History (and effective dates):
March 06, 2006 - Per the approval of the President's Council, revised Policy section, authorizing the Smoking Policy Review Committee to handle exemption requests to this policy.
- July 16, 2003 -
- Smoking now prohibited in any outside area adjacent to a facility whose configuration and/or other physical circumstances allow smoke either to enter and affect the internal environment or to unduly affect the environment of those entering or exiting the facility.
- Verbiage for areas excluded from this policy changed to "residential living spaces."
- Smoking Policy Review Committee now has stated authority to recommend policy revisions.
- Committee membership modified to allows up to seven additional members besides the stated departmental representatives.
- Other minor editorial revisions.
- June 10, 1992 - Exception to policy expanded from "private residences" to include all "living spaces." "Dean's and Administrative officers' changed to "budget executive". DEFINITION section rewritten.
- April 3, 1989 - Total revision from Policy SY06 to AD32.
- March 22, 1976 - New Policy (SY06).