Administrative Policies

AD01 Policies and Procedures for Use of University Auditoriums

Policy Status: 


Policy Steward: 

Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff


To state the University's policy with respect to the scheduling and use of Eisenhower Auditorium, Recreation Building, Pegula Ice Arena and the Bryce Jordan Center.

NOTES: At University Park, scheduling of events in auditoriums other than those noted above (such as within academic colleges, Kern Building, Keller Building, etc.) is determined within each respective administrative area. Rules and regulations for the use of facilities are found in Policies AD02 and AD03.

Scheduling events in auditoriums at non-University Park locations is accomplished through the local campus administration. Rules and regulations for the use of facilities are found in Policies AD02 and AD03. Student Activities events must utilize guidelines established in the Student Government Association Fiscal Policy and Procedures Manual (procedure #SA6003 -available at each campus and from Systems and Procedures at University Park).


Eisenhower Auditorium (a, below), Recreation Building (b, below), the Bryce Jordan Center (c, below), and the Pegula Ice Arena (d, below),are available for scheduling based on the following priorities and contingent on the event to be scheduled satisfying existing University policies:


  • FIRST - Events and activities associated with the programming of the Center for the Performing Arts in conjunction with events and programs as dictated by the University's official calendar such as commencements, orientation programs and academic convocations.
  • SECOND – Ongoing annual events and activities of the academic programs of the College of Arts & Architecture requiring the specific performance environment provided by such facilities.
  • THIRD - Events and activities with approved units of the University which have ongoing annual programs typically scheduled in such facilities such as Continuing Education, registered student organizations, and/or normal activities of sponsoring colleges, departments, etc.
  • FOURTH - Events, which are not necessarily annual events and which, fall within the normal realm of activities sponsored by University-related programs, including classes and examinations of the University, which occur on a non-continuing, special event basis.
  • FIFTH - Events sponsored by non-University groups which are in accordance with existing policies.


  • FIRST - College of Health and Human Development classes in Exercise and Sports Science, or examinations; athletic, intramural/sports, and club programs, scheduled through Intercollegiate Athletics.
  • SECOND - Special events associated with approved units of the University which have on-going annual programs typically scheduled in such facilities, such as the Center for the Performing Arts, University Concert Committee, Continuing and Distance Education conferences, the President's Office, and registered student organizations.
  • THIRD - Classes and examinations of the University which occur on a non-continuing, special events basis.
  • FOURTH - University classes and exams of the University which occur on a regularly scheduled basis.
  • FIFTH - Events sponsored by approved organizations which are not necessarily annual events and which fall within the normal realm of activities of the sponsoring college, department, student organization, or Continuing and Distance Education activities.
  • SIXTH - Other University-related events, not included in the previous categories.
  • SEVENTH - Events sponsored by non-University groups which are in accordance with existing policies.


  • FIRST - Annual commencement programs and President's Office programs.
  • SECOND - From December 26 through March 15 (with the exception of Commencement dates and President's Office programs), dates will be held until August 15 (the approximate date that the Big Ten Conference schedule is officially released) of the preceding year for the upcoming men's and women's Big Ten basketball game schedule. Once the official Conference schedule is received, the home Big Ten dates will be confirmed and the BJC will have the right to book the remaining dates in that time period remaining holds will be released and made available to other groups. Two (2) weeks prior to each vacant date in the time period, basketball practice on the arena floor can be confirmed and scheduled.
    • Non-basketball arena events sponsored by the BJC during January and February will not exceed five (5) days per month.  This does not include THON, the Career Fair or the African Student Association banquet.  In addition, it does not include any emergency repairs that would cause the arena floor to be removed.  Requests for any additional events during this time period will require review and approval by the Senior Vice President for Finance and Business.
    • For post-season play during the month of March, two dates per round of each NIT or WNIT potential post-season tournament will be held until the NCAA Selection Show (typically the second Sunday/Monday of March) each year.  If during the course of the season, the BJC has an opportunity to book an event on one of these dates, they may use it and the other date being held that week will then be secured for basketball from the deadline of the bid submission until the Selection Show, at which time it will be confirmed or released.  Post-season tournaments and their dates of play and bid deadlines will be identified by September 1 for the following March.  Hold dates may be released earlier if either or both teams qualify for the NCAA Tournament or will not be participating in post-season play that particular year.
  • THIRD - Special events sponsored by the Bryce Jordan Center or associated with approved units of the University which have on-going annual programs typically scheduled in this facility. (Examples include THON and the Career Fair.)
  • FOURTH - Special events associated with approved units of the University which are not necessarily annual events, or special events through a commercial or non-profit organization which will have a significant impact on the revenue stream of the Bryce Jordan Center, based on a first-come, first-served basis. (Please note restrictions in January and February as stated in the description of the second priority.)
  • FIFTH - From October 1 through March 31, basketball practices (both men's and women's). (Please note the conditions for scheduling in January and February as stated in the second priority.)
  • SIXTH - Classes and examinations of the University.
  • SEVENTH - Events sponsored by non-University groups which do not represent a significant impact on the revenue stream of the Center.


Varsity Rink
  • FIRST – Ongoing annual programs as requested by the office of the President such as Commencement.  The request must take into consideration whether or not the ice surface is installed or will need to be covered.
  • SECOND - During the official NCAA hockey season, usually the first week in October until the completion of the Frozen Four (the second weekend in April) or when the teams are eliminated from competitive play,  games and practices for the Men's and Women's Varsity Teams.  Dates will be held at least one year in advance until the teams' schedules are official.  Afterwards remaining holds will be made available to other groups.
  • THIRD – Special ice related events, University or non-University sponsored, that will have a significant positive financial impact to the facility such as professional ice shows.  If the special event falls on a regularly scheduled event, program, or user group's ice slot, every attempt, within reason, will be made to satisfy the event, program, or group being affected.
  • FOURTH – University and Kinesiology Department approved ice related classes and/or examinations.
  • FIFTH – Ongoing annual University user group ice slots, events, programs, and activities typically scheduled in such facility, such as hockey, figure skating, skating, and broomball.  All University groups whether student organizations, colleges, or departments must be approved by the University. All contracts are negotiable, though the University has the right to re-evaluate and adjust contracts if necessary.
  • SIXTH – Ongoing annual non-University user group ice slots, events, programs, and activities typically scheduled in such facility, such as hockey, figure skating, skating, and broomball. All contracts are negotiable, though the University has the right to re-evaluate and adjust contracts if necessary.
  • SEVENTH – Approved University sponsored ice related events, programs, and activities which are not necessarily annual and which fall within the normal realm of activities of the sponsoring college, department, student organization, or Continuing and Distance Education Activities.
  • EIGHTH – Approved Non-University ice related sponsored events, programs, and activities which are not necessarily annual and which fall within the normal realm of Arena activities.
  • NINTH – Other University and Non-University events, not included in the previous categories.
Auxiliary Rink
  • FIRST – University and Kinesiology Department approved ice related classes and/or examinations.
  • SECOND - During the official NCAA hockey season, usually the first week in October until the completion of the Frozen Four (the second weekend in April) or when the teams are eliminated from competitive play,  practices for the Men's and Women's Varsity Teams.  Dates will be held at least one year in advance until the teams' schedules are official then the remaining holds will be made available to other groups.
  • THIRD - Special ice related events, University or non-University sponsored, that will have a significant positive financial impact to the facility.  If the special event falls on a regularly scheduled event, program, or user group's ice slot, every attempt, within reason, will be made to satisfy the event, program, or group being affected.
  • FOURTH - Ongoing annual University user group ice slots, events, programs, and activities typically scheduled in such facility, such as hockey, figure skating, skating, and broomball.  All University groups whether student organizations, colleges, or departments must be approved by the University. All contracts are negotiable, though the University has the right to re-evaluate and adjust contracts if necessary.
  • FIFTH - Ongoing annual non-University user group ice slots, events, programs, and activities typically scheduled in such facility, such as hockey, figure skating, skating, and broomball. All contracts are negotiable, though the University has the right to re-evaluate and adjust contracts if necessary.
  • SIXTH – If the varsity teams need to both practice in the Auxiliary rink due to a special event in the Varsity Rink.  Every attempt, within reason, will be made to satisfy the event, program, or group being affected.
  • SEVENTH - Approved University sponsored ice related events, programs, and activities which are not necessarily annual and which fall within the normal realm of activities of the sponsoring college, department, student organization, or Continuing and Distance Education Activities.
  • EIGHTH - Approved Non-University sponsored ice related events, programs, and activities which are not necessarily annual and which fall within the normal realm of Arena activities.
  • NINTH - Other University and Non-University events, not included in the previous categories.


The scheduling of events and activities in Eisenhower Auditorium is the responsibility of the Assistant Director of the Center for the Performing Arts, hereafter referred to as Assistant Director. All requests for scheduling such activities, including events sponsored by groups not affiliated with the University, should be made to the Assistant Director. Registered student organizations and/or the University Concert Committee will route their requests through the Office of Student Activities.

The Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations shall have the authority for scheduling classes, examinations, and special events in Recreation Building.

Requests for use of Bryce Jordan Center, either University sponsored, or by groups not affiliated with the University, are to be directed to the Bryce Jordan Center General Manager.

Requests for use of the above facilities by groups not affiliated with the University should be directed to the Office of University Relations per University Policy AD02.

Requests for use of the Pegula Ice Arena, either University sponsored, or by groups not affiliated with the University, are to be directed to the Pegula Ice Arena General Manager.

In addition to the availability of facilities on the requested date, the nature and size of the proposed event shall be factors in determining to which facility an event shall be assigned by the appropriate office as described above.



  1. Annually, during February, the Assistant Director shall prepare a calendar of recommended dates and locations of on-going annual programs.
  2. During March, the Assistant Director will discuss these tentative dates with appropriate sponsors, resolve conflicts, and indicate verbal approval of said dates.
  3. By July 1, letters of confirmation will be sent to all sponsors informing them that a "HOLD" has been placed on the Center's event calendar. The sponsor must schedule a production meeting with the appropriate CPA staff to take place no less than 30 days prior to the performance date. Failure to schedule a production meeting may result in the cancellation of the sponsors "HOLD" on this date and result in a administrative service charge.
  4. Upon completion of the annual scheduling process, requests for the use of Eisenhower Auditorium shall be as follows:
    1. All calendar requests shall be directed to the Assistant Director's office either in writing or by phone.
    2. If the request has been approved, written confirmation that a "HOLD" has been placed on the Center's event calendar will be sent to the sponsor.
    3. The sponsor must schedule a production meeting with the appropriate CPA staff to take place no less than 30 days prior to the performance date. Failure to schedule a production meeting may result in the cancellation of the sponsors "HOLD" on this date and result in a administrative service charge.
  5. Requests by Registered Student Organizations should be routed through the Office of the Student Activities.


  1. Annual events will be scheduled by the Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations following the priority scheduling stated above for Recreation Building.
  2. Upon completion and approval of the annual schedule, requests for the use of the facility can be made through the Associate Athletic Director's office.
  3. Once an event has been confirmed, an event with a higher priority cannot bump the committed event from that date.
  4. Requests by Registered Student Organizations should be routed through the Office of Events Management in the Hetzel Union Building.


  1. For PRIORITY 1 scheduling above - The annual commencement schedule will be submitted to the Bryce Jordan Center four (4) years in advance. On-going President's Office programs and any desired future year requests will be submitted by January 1 for the upcoming academic year.
  2. For PRIORITY 2 scheduling above - Tentative basketball game date requests will be submitted by June 1, and the firm schedule submitted by August 15, prior to the basketball season.
  3. For PRIORITY 3 scheduling above - On-going annual special University events will be scheduled at the end of each year's event for the next year's corresponding dates.
  4. For PRIORITY 4 scheduling above - Requests will be submitted as "request for availability." Dates will be held if available on a first-come, first-served basis with a signed contract in-hand.
  5. For PRIORITY 5 scheduling above - Any dates not requested two (2) weeks in advance will be offered to the varsity basketball teams for potential practices.
  6. For PRIORITY 6 scheduling above - Classes and examinations may be scheduled if dates are not being considered for priorities 1 through 5 above.
  7. For PRIORITY 7 scheduling above - Non-University events may be scheduled if dates are not being considered for priorities 1 through 6 above.

NOTE: Once an event has been committed by the Bryce Jordan Center, requests by higher priorities for the same dates may not bump the committed event from that date.


  1. Annual events, programs, and activities will be scheduled by the General Manager of the Pegula Ice Arena following the priority scheduling stated above for the Pegula Ice Arena.
  2. Upon completion and approval of the annual schedule, requests for the use of the facility can be made through the General Manager of the Pegula Ice Arena.
  3. Once an event has been confirmed, an event with a higher priority cannot bump the committed event from that date.  The only exception will be requests from the office of the president, the needs of the varsity team, a special event that will have a major positive financial impact to the facility, or at the discretion of the general manager.


  1. The CPA Assistant Director is responsible for the management of Eisenhower Auditorium. The Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations is responsible for the management of Recreation Building. The General Manager is responsible for the management of Bryce Jordan Center.
  2. For promoter/agent events in Eisenhower, a standard CPA Lease Agreement will be signed by all entities renting that facility. The Assistant Director of the Center will be responsible for negotiating the rental rate of the facility, which will be displayed in the document. (The rate schedule is approved by the Office of Budget and Finance) Any deviation from the standard lease agreement will be revised and approved by the appropriate University official to verify that it will conform to University policies and liability coverages.
  3. A standard Bryce Jordan Center Lease Agreement will be signed by all entities renting that facility. The General Manager will be responsible for negotiating the rental rate of the facility which will be displayed in the document. (The rate schedule is approved by the Office of Budget and Finance.) Any deviation from the standard lease agreement will be revised and approved by the appropriate University official to verify that it will conform to University policies and liability coverages. If the event is presented by the Bryce Jordan Center (vs. through a promoter/agent), the General Manager will review the artist's contract(s) and submit them to the appropriate University official to verify that they conform to University policy and liability coverages., and for approval.
  4. The CPA Assistant Director will review all contracts involving facilities under his/her supervision, before they are signed by the appropriate University official, to verify that they conform to auditorium and University policy. The CPA Assistant Director will also review contracts applicable to cultural events in Recreation Building, if the services of the CPA Ticket Center are to be provided. The CPA Assistant Director will attach a rider/addendum to each contract as deemed appropriate. The sale of tickets (if applicable) and the publicity for an event may not take place until the CPA Assistant Director has received contracts and determined that such an event can be performed in the scheduled venue.
  5. Normally, copies of contracts and information, line and lighting plots, and intended arrangements, etc., will be provided to the Assistant Director (or General Manager of the Bryce Jordan Center, as appropriate) at least one month prior to the scheduled event. In those instances where the user does not supply such information within a reasonable period of time prior to the event, the Assistant Director will obtain such information at user's expense.
  6. In the case of "tornado warning, terroristic threat, bomb scare, etc." University policy will be implemented. (See Policy SY18.)
  7. Production service charges will terminate when the stage is clear of all equipment and all lines and instruments are returned to their normal usage. In all cases, the building should be cleared by 6:00 A.M. the following morning. In regard to the forestage lift in Eisenhower Auditorium, normal usage is when rows AA, BB, and CC are installed for use.
  8. Box Office hours will be determined by the facility management and will be publicized in news media. The Box Office will normally open 1-1/2 hours before an event.
  9. The sale of items in University auditoriums is restricted to souvenir programs, librettos, records by the performer of the evening, event memorabilia/merchandise, or books written by the speaker of the event as noted in the contract between the University user and the performer(s) or speaker(s). The sites for the sale of such items will be restricted to the non-seating areas as designated by the CPA Assistant Director (for Eisenhower),the Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations (for Recreation Building) or the General Manager of the Bryce Jordan Center. Sales operations must not block the means of egress from the building.

    NOTE: At Bryce Jordan Center, it is standard policy in the industry to allow Ringling Brothers the rights to sell Cotton Candy and Sno-Cones, if they are contracted. Otherwise, food and beverage rights are the exclusive property of the facility, unless waived by the facility management.
  10. Food and beverage are permitted only in designated areas. These sales in Recreation Building are controlled by Intercollegiate Athletics and Procedure #IA2005. There are no restricted areas for food and beverages at the Bryce Jordan Center.
  11. State and University regulations with regard to use of alcohol will prevail, both back stage and in the house. Alcoholic beverages may not be sold in the Bryce Jordan Center, but may be consumed in a leased, secured area designated as a private party, with all attendees over 21 years of age, and only with the expressed written permission of the General Manager.
  12. Use of portable sound and/or light systems by the user or traveling company must be approved by the CPA Assistant Director, Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations, or General Manager in advance. A rigging plan must be submitted within the pre-established capabilities of the rigging points for the venue or will require review by a licensed professional structural engineering.
  13. Program sponsors using University auditorium facilities will adhere to the University's general policy on outside speakers. The speaker will not urge the audience to take action which is prohibited by the rules of the University, or which is illegal under Federal or Pennsylvania laws.
  14. Safety regulations will be in accordance with the University and State codes, and will be enforced by the Auditorium staff and the University Department of Safety as they interpret them. Smoking is not permitted in any University building. Smoking on stage is permitted only when specified in the script. The Events Manager must be notified at least four weeks in advance of the event if the script calls for use of any fire, so that he/she may insure conformance to the necessary fire and security regulations. Flame proofing of scenery and props must be checked with the Events Manager and, if required, will be completed at the user's expense before being brought into the building.
  15. The number of Student Assistants and Police Officers assigned will be determined by the CPA Assistant Director, Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations, or General Manager, and University Safety in accordance with NFPA 100 Life Safety Code. This number will vary with the program, time of year, and other considerations, including special security concerns of the ushers and the University. The cost of these services will be paid by the user.
  16. The timing of opening of the doors of a facility prior to an event will be determined by the facility management, with communication with University Safety if there will be variance from the following. Generally, lobby doors are open to the public for all auditorium programs one hour prior to the advertised curtain time. Inner doors in Eisenhower Auditorium will open to the seating area thirty (30) minutes prior to curtain time.
  17. Admission to the stage area is restricted to auditorium personnel, safety officials, and members of the performing organization. Exceptions, including members of the sponsoring department or organization and the press, must be cleared in advance with the CPA Assistant Director, Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations, or General Manager, as appropriate. The user will be asked to submit a list of names of approved individuals who are permitted in the dressing area. If such a list is not submitted, only auditorium personnel, safety personnel, and performance personnel will have access to this area during the performance.
  18. Seat 'holds' in Bryce Jordan Center, Eisenhower Auditorium, and Recreation Building will be determined on a per-event basis.
  19. Contractual obligations and courtesy to the audience and artist necessitates that cameras, video cameras and portable recording equipment normally will not be permitted in Eisenhower Auditorium, in Recreation Building, or in Bryce Jordan Center. Such equipment may be checked with the House Manager for safe-keeping. Exceptions regarding the use of non-flash photography equipment may apply to news media where special arrangements between the media, CPA Assistant Director, Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations or General Manager, and user will be made. Authorized University personnel and designated representatives of users may be permitted to tape record lectures and other types of programs only upon written consent of the speaker(s) or artist(s), with concurring approval from the user and the management. The use of small, self-contained tape recorders by the audience may be permitted for lectures, but such use is permitted only upon written consent of the speaker(s) and approval from the user and auditorium management. Consent for such activity should be arranged at the time of negotiation of the contractual agreement, and such items should be contained in the contractual agreement related to the appearance. Arrangements for media coverage of personalities or groups of a news-worthy nature will involve the Office of Public Information in addition to the foregoing.
  20. Long distance telephone calls, telegrams, and communication costs incurred as a result of the user's use or user's party's use will be billed to the user.
  21. Except for service animals and animals called for in the script, animals are not permitted in the auditoriums. Charges for damages incurred from violations of this policy will be assessed by the CPA Assistant Director, Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations, or General Manager, and will be paid by the user.
  22. Damages to equipment, the auditoriums, or other University property by the audience, performer, company personnel, or businesses or individuals sub-contracting for the event will be determined by the CPA Assistant Director, Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations, or General Manager, and compensation for damages will be paid by the user.
  23. If an event is rescheduled or canceled by the performer or agent, the user will be assessed accordingly for services rendered by auditorium or Recreation Building personnel.
  24. Knapsacks, tote bags, packages, and containers are not permitted in the auditoriums.
  25. A user wishing the nearest parking facility to be cleared prior to an event must make the arrangements through the facility management, who will communicate with University Safety and University Transportation Services.
  26. The number of personnel needed for stage labor will be determined by the Auditorium Events Manager subject to the approval of the CPA Assistant Director, General Manager, or Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations. When union labor is required under the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (I.A.T.S.E.) agreement, such arrangements will be made in compliance with Union-University agreement.
  27. Display materials in or around the facilities reflecting programs currently sold at the Box Office may be displayed in designated display areas following approval by the CPA Assistant Director, General Manager, or Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations.
  28. The granting of permission to broadcast via radio or television (either live or delayed) may be arranged by mutual consent of the user and the CPA Assistant Director, General Manager of Bryce Jordan Center, or Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations. These arrangements must include the following:
    1. The user procures written permission from the principal or the principal's agent and provides copies to the CPA Assistant Director, General Manager, or Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations at least one week in advance of the performance.
    2. Broadcast personnel must operate from locations and in manners approved by the CPA Assistant Director, General Manager, or Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations.
    3. If permission is granted for radio and television recording, arrangements must be made through University- sponsored broadcasting channels or personnel recommended by the CPA Assistant Director, General Manager, or Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations.
    4. Filming and recording equipment must not interfere with the means of egress from the venue.
    5. In-house video productions and any coordination of filming must be planned and approved in advance through the appropriate facility production manager (PM). For PM contact information, individuals should contact the CPA Assistant Director, BJC General Manager, or Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations.
    6. NOTE:Users should be aware that the lights and preparation will normally result in additional costs.
  29. All operational services: production, house, ticketing, and display services must be arranged through the Events staff. The use of equipment or personnel not affiliated with the University must be authorized by the CPA Assistant Director, General Manager, or Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations.
  30. Paging for members of the audience will be done only on an emergency basis, and then only before curtain, during intermission, or after final curtain. Emergency Call Cards will be available through venue management for professional business people or those expecting emergency calls.
  31. For live reserved-seating performances, latecomers will be seated only during designated pauses in the performance, and this will be so stated on tickets.
  32. The CPA Assistant Director, General Manager of the Bryce Jordan Center or the Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations has the right to establish rules and regulations as they pertain to the use and operation of the auditoriums. A copy of these rules and regulations may be obtained by contacting their respective offices.
  33. It is understood that performance rehearsals are restricted to the stage platform, wings, and orchestra pit, when required. Rehearsals to which the public is invited must be arranged with the CPA Assistant Director or General Manager, and are subject to service charges as deemed necessary.
  34. Private security/body guards for talent or acts must coordinate with University Police and submit a written protocol to University Police ten days prior to the event.


House personnel requirements will vary by event. Minimum requirements will be determined by the CPA Assistant Director, Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations or General Manager in accordance with NFPA 100 Life Safety Code. Live performances with unreserved seating may require more personnel than are required for reserved seating.


Production personnel requirements will vary by event. Minimum requirements will be determined by the CPA Assistant Director, Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations, or the General Manager



  1. All production equipment and services must be authorized by the CPA Assistant Director.
  2. Pianos and organs are available for use upon request. Such requests should be made simultaneously with the reservation of the auditorium when possible. A reservation for use of an auditorium does not guarantee the use of a keyboard instrument.
  3. Users needing acoustical shells on stage during an event must make this request at the time of reservation.
  4. Users requiring audio-visual services must request them through the appropriate CPA staff at the time reservations are made for the facility. Projection equipment and projectionists are also available.
  5. Stage production management, technical personnel, theatrical lighting, staging, and sound equipment are all arranged through the appropriate CPA staff.


  1. Stage production management, technical personnel, theatrical lighting, staging and sound equipment may be arranged through CPA Management, subject to the approval of the CPA Assistant Director. The Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations may insist that CPA Management must be engaged in order for an event to take place. If such a request is made and CPA Management is not able to provide the necessary support, the Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations has to right to refuse approval for the use of the facility.
  2. The Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations and the appropriate representative from the various user groups will determine, in advance, which party will assume responsibility for making special program-related arrangements such as front-of-house management and personnel, box office personnel, security, physical plant services, etc.


  1. Facility management will determine the needs and make the necessary arrangements for the procurement and set-up of all local production equipment. Touring shows traveling with their own production equipment may use it in Bryce Jordan Center, but must hire the designated Bryce Jordan Center employees to adapt the equipment to the facility.


Expenses incurred for auditorium services rendered for the use of auditoriums will be billed to the user. A schedule of charges (approved by the Office of Budget and Finance according to Policy FN27) is available at the respective Center. All service charges are subject to change.

Users are also responsible for special custodial costs related to a specific use. Such custodial services will be arranged by the CPA Assistant Director (for events in Eisenhower Auditorium), the Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Operations (for events in Recreation Building), or the General Manager (for events at Bryce Jordan Center).

There are no "average" cleaning costs for a typical use. Charges will vary according to the amount of time required to prepare and clean the facility, whether work must be performed on an overtime basis, and the amount of services needed.


All tickets for events staged at Eisenhower Auditorium, the Playhouse and Pavilion Theaters, the Recreation Building, and the Bryce Jordan Center may be purchased through the integrated Penn State ticket system. Current practice permits football tickets to be purchased only through the Intercollegiate Athletics Ticket Office.

Three ticket administrations are established within the integrated Penn State ticket system; the Arts Ticket Center, the Intercollegiate Athletics Ticket Office, and the Ticket Center at the Bryce Jordan Center. Each entity will be responsible for the ticket administration of events arranged by their respective organizations.

The integrated Penn State ticket system is designed to allow all three entities to sell each others' tickets at their respective sales locations. The three ticket organizations will enter into agreements with each other to determine the method of operation and financial considerations to provide this service.

All three ticketing services have the capability of providing counter, telephone, mail order, fax, and Internet sales. In addition, the Ticket Center at the Bryce Jordan Center has equipped outlets throughout central Pennsylvania to provide convenient sales locations to patrons. Convenience fees may apply to the customer for certain services to offset the cost of those services. These fees must be approved by the Office of Budget and Finance.

For individual events at their respective venue, each of the three ticketing services will be responsible for:

  1. Programming the ticket information onto the ticket system,
  2. All accounting functions,
  3. All ticket sellers at their location, and
  4. Distribution of all pertinent information to the other ticketing services selling their tickets under the aforementioned agreements.

All tickets selling for $5.00 and over will be subject to Regional County Impact fee as set forth by the University. Each Management shall so inform each user, sponsor, promoter, etc. as to the schedule of said fee at the time of requesting an event date. Such fee schedules shall be made available in writing upon request. The handling of this fee, whether to include it in the ticket price (absorb as overhead) or add it onto the ticket price (recoup the cost from the patron), will be determined by the designated facility administrator for each event.

Users of the designated facilities must use the ticket service provided, or receive a written waiver from the designated facility administrator. If a waiver is given, the ticketing system will not be involved in any phase of ticketing (including the use of box offices at these Penn State facilities) for the event, and the user will be responsible for the entire ticket operation.

If an event is to be presented at no charge to students and/or the public, the designated facility administrator reserves the right to require that tickets be issued by the user (or the ticket system). This procedure is to assist in matters of safety and crowd control.

If, during review of any event, the designated facility administrator identifies a specific problem concerning tickets, a memo must be directed to the sponsor to specify the problem and suggest a solution (special ticket back-printing, supplemental hand-out, advertising, etc.).


Other Policies in this manual should also be referenced, especially the following:

AD02 - Non-University Groups Using University Facilities,

AD03 - Conducting Educational Programs Using the Name of The University,

AD66 - Service Animal Policy,

AD73 - Accessing Athletic and Recreational Facilities,

Guideline ADG04 Providing Emergency Medical Services at University Events at University Park,

FN27 - Establishing and Billing Service Center User Rates

SY18 - Bomb Threats, and

Procedure #IA2005 - Food and Beverage Sales at Intercollegiate Athletics Facilities.

Most recent changes:

  • January 6, 2023 - Changed Corporate Controller's Office to Office of Budget and Finance

  • November 24, 2020 - Updated links from decommissioned policy AD15 to FN27.

Revision History (and effective dates):

  • December 10, 2018 - Removed all references to Schwab Auditorium as Schwab is now managed by the HUB-Robeson Center. Reservations for Schwab Auditorium can be made by going to College Net.
  • July 18, 2018 - Editorial change to update links to Procedure IA2005.
  • May 9, 2018 - Editorial change to update the link to Procedure SA6003.
  • October 9, 2012 - Major revisions throughout the entire policy to reflect current operations, including the addition/inclusion of the new Pegula Ice Arena.

  • October 2, 2002 - Revised the following:
    • Scheduling Priorities for Eisenhower Auditorium and Schwab Auditorium revised to add the events and activities of the College of Arts & Architecture, and consideration of events and programs dictated by academics and the University's official calendar.
    • The Assistant Director of the Center for the Performing Arts has the responsibility for scheduling Eisenhower and Schwab Auditoriums.
    • The time frame for determining the annual usage of Eisenhower and Schwab Auditoriums has changed.
    • Added provisions for requesting use of Eisenhower and Schwab Auditoriums.
    • Added procedure for requesting use of Recreation Building.
    • The Center for Performing Arts Assistant Director is now assigned numerous roles previously performed by the General Manager and Center Director.
    • Added provisions for Assistant Director review of leases and contracts.
    • Added Associate Athletic Director as an approver for certain production aspects involving Recreation Building.
    • Gave right to the CPA Assistant Director, General Manager of the Bryce Jordan Center, and the Associate Athletic Director to establish rules and regulations for the use and operation of their respective facilities.
    • Rewrote the provisions for House Personnel Requirements and Production Personnel Requirements.
    • Associate Athletic Director may insist the CPA Management be engaged in events at Recreation Building.
    • The name "SELECT ticket system" changed to "integrated Penn State ticket system."
    • Reworded the provision for tickets subject to the Regional County Impact fee
  • July 16, 1996 - Revised section on Ticketing.
  • September 14, 1982 -
    • Renamed the "University Auditorium" to "Eisenhower Auditorium."
    • Changes made to position titles.
    • Specified coordination between Manager of the Ticket Center and the Manager of University Auditoriums.
    • Eliminated Building Usage Agreement form.
    • Changed house personnel requirements.
    • Transferred responsibility of tickets from Department of Auditorium Management to the Art Services Ticket Center.
  • July 1, 1976 - New policy.

Date Approved: 

September 10, 2012

Date Published: 

October 9, 2012

Effective Date: 

October 9, 2012